How a Broken Mirror Broke My Illusion of Control
I recently wrote about why letting go of control and giving it to God is difficult. I wrote that piece to explore the connection between our understanding of God’s character and our ability…
Why Letting Go and Letting God Take Control is Difficult (and How to Start Today)
I sat strapped into a plastic seat. In front of me was nothing but air. The view of the Smoky Mountains dressed in autumn finery would’ve been an enjoyable one if I wasn’t…
How to Make Peace With Uncertainty
Last month, I sat down to watch Survivor for the first time. The show is in its forty-second season, so the answer to your question is yes, apparently I have been living under…
When Praying Doesn’t Bring Peace to Your Anxious Heart
Last month I found myself battling anxiety. Day camp for my kids, ages three and five, was days away. Set in a woodsy landscape, they would spend their days pressing flowers, splashing in…