
Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here!

What would it look like if we lived day by day, noticing where God is at work and connecting our experiences to biblical truth? I believe it would show us how to participate with him in kingdom work, awaken wonder in our walk with Jesus, and help us find peace on the path. 

Have you ever…

…felt overwhelmed and craved the peace that surpasses all understanding?1
…felt frustrated because you can’t see where God is working in your life or where he is leading you?
…felt stressed, anxious, or fearful and lost sight of the eternal perspective and hope that is ours through the gospel?

I know how it feels because I would’ve answered “yes” to all three of those questions at different times in my life.  I’ve been there. In fact, some days I still feel weighed down by cloudy questions, clashing expectations, and the anything-but-peaceful repetition of daily life.  I’m familiar with living focused on the here and now, acknowledging heaven and eternity but still living as though today’s tasks and tomorrow’s plans weigh heavier on the scales.

I’m on a journey to discover God in the mundane moments, lay hold of the peace he promises us, and let his Word illuminate the foggy path that will lead me home to him.

Hi, I’m Lisa Z. Dean. Writer, Bible-reader, and witness to God’s goodness. I’m all about coming alongside you as we shine a light on our experiences to spot where the Spirit is moving, how he is drawing us back to Scriptural truth, and what it means for finding peace today.

When I began writing about my faith journey in 2020, I noticed three messages consistently rising to the surface. One was a message of peace. Another was a reminder of God’s presence with us always. And the last was a perspective of eternity, knowing we’re not home yet. 

The more I write and explore these topics, the more I’m convinced that all three are intertwined and inseparable from the others.


We start with our pain—the weight of worry, the chaos of overwhelm, or the frustrations of failure and disappointment—and we switch our lens. We give up the temporal here-and-now lens, and we zoom out to see our lives in light of our eternal reality. We place our struggles in perspective by consuming God’s word and allowing it to transform us. We find that we’re part of something greater than today’s stress. We’re part of God’s story, not because he needs us but because he loves us.


With our eternal, gospel lens, we begin to see God moving and working all around us—in our thoughts, in our desires, in our relationships. It’s not about finding signs and omens. It’s about applying the gospel to everyday living because today, this moment, has eternal implications.


And here’s where I get a little thrill. Jesus, Immanuel, means “God with us.” When he rose to heaven in glory, he sent the Spirit to dwell with us. The more we recognize and trust in God’s presence, the more equipped we are to lay hold of his peace. True, lasting, biblical peace has everything to do with our reconciliation to God through Christ and our admittance into his presence.

“The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:26-27

Why It Matters

Awakening to God’s presence, laying hold of an eternal perspective and God’s promised peace—why do we care about these ideas?

It’s not because inner peace is the end-game.

And it’s not because the Christ-life is all about filling your own cup.

It’s about being rooted in the peace, joy, and love of God so that we may love others, die to self, and serve as Jesus served.

For several years, anxiety, confusion, and depression held such a grip on me that taking care of myself felt like more than I could manage some days. But as I found ways to connect with a church community, family, and friends, self-forgetfulness began to feel like freedom.

I still had lots of work to do alone with the Lord (and still do), but I’ve found that a relationship with God does not exist in isolation. The believers around me are conduits of his love, care, and truth. And he calls you and me to serve others in this way too.

And that’s why I write in this space. I want to see God’s kingdom come. I want to encourage your heart and participate with God in setting you free from the snares that try to tear away the peace that is yours in Christ. And I want to show you that life in community with God’s people is life as he intended.

A Bit More About Me

I am a wife and mom of two (plus one in heaven). I have worked as an engineer, a nonprofit manager, and a freelancer. I am a Southerner married to a Canadian. We lived in Abu Dhabi for two years, and I jump at any chance to travel. I cherish books and feel like supermom when I gather my kids on the couch to read. I love to skip the small talk and get to the real stuff. I laugh too loud. I was coincidentally baptized on Halloween day. I can never, ever remember movie titles. I’m a recovering good girl and still preach to myself that I am saved by grace alone.

That’s a bit about me, and now I’d love to hear from you! Connect with me to introduce yourself, tell me what topic you’re most excited to hear more about, or let me know how I can pray for you.

If you’re ready to jump in and read more about being a witness to God’s movement, finding peace, and making the switch to an eternal perspective, start by signing up for my monthly newsletter, The Edit.  Then checkout out a few of the posts below.

1Philippians 4:6-7