5 True Things About Our Heavenly Father
Father’s Day is tricky, isn’t it? For some, the day is cause to celebrate while for others, the day would be best spent in bed avoiding the emotions uncovered by the reminders of painful, lost, or nonexistent relationships. The types of hurt from a parent-child relationship are as varied and unique as the individuals who experience the hurt.
While we know that broken relationships and hurt feelings are part of our human experience, it’s all too easy to transfer ideas about our earthly father onto our heavenly father. The people and relationships in our lives—spouses, parents, friends, children—reflect facets of God’s character, but it’s a bit like looking at a broken mirror. Distorted reflections. Painful shards in place of smooth, unbroken glass.
The good news is we have the Bible to tell us of God’s character, and we can dislodge any mistruths we’ve accepted by looking for him in Scripture. We don’t have to rely on our earthly relationships to dictate our ideas of who God is and how he cares for us as a father.
Here are five Biblical truths about our heavenly father on which you can hang your metaphorical hat.
1. God loves his children unconditionally.
We do not earn God’s love and we do not lose God’s love. It is not a treasure dangled before us promised as a reward for work well done.
I know this because the Bible tells us that while we were still sinners, he loved us (Romans 5:8). In fact, we were his enemies (Romans 5:10). We gave him no reason to extend his love, but he did it anyway. Before we ever had a thought in our head about loving God, he loved us. That love was always there.
Some have never heard their earthly father speak aloud of love for their children. God, on the other hand, proclaimed it with thousands of exclamation marks when he sent his Son to die for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus died to save us, and the suffering he endured ensured this message would ring loud and clear for all eternity: God loves you.
"Jesus died to save us, and the suffering he endured ensured this message would ring loud and clear for all eternity: God loves you." Share on X2. God is trustworthy to fulfill his promises.
This one can be tough because I’ve witnessed people trust God for things that aren’t promised in the Bible. God doesn’t promise us a loving marriage. He doesn’t promise a life of ease and comfort. He doesn’t promise we won’t be touched by natural disasters, death, and loss.
But the promises he does make, well, he is trustworthy to never waver or forget. Here are just a few:
- He promises to be with us. “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” -Deuteronomy 31:8 (ESV)
- He promises to work things all for our good (although we may have to do a little digging to see if our definition of “good” lines up with his). “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” -Romans 8:28 (ESV)
- He promises to forgive us. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” -1 John 1:9 (ESV)
For some additional information about God’s promises, check out Kim Cash Tate’s helpful video, How to Stand on God’s Promises.
3. God provides.
The more we pay attention to his record of provision in our lives, the more we trust him with our future.
He sees our need and hears our cries and asks us to not worry about our tomorrows because we matter to him. We’re important to him, and we don’t slip through the cracks of God’s to-do list.
I remember coming back to my hometown after living abroad for two years. My husband didn’t have a job, I was 21 weeks pregnant, we didn’t yet have a home, and all our earthly goods were packed away in a storage unit a state away. I stood in my mom’s shower and cried, wanting to believe in God’s provision but also wondering what path our lives would take. I’ve never felt so vulnerable seeing clearly that without God’s provision we would also be without hope.
The story ends with us in an apartment two months before our baby’s birth. My husband landed a job within two months following her birth. God didn’t forget us, and I trust even more now, after that experience, that he will continue to remember and provide for us as a loving father does for his children.
4. God patiently teaches and instructs us.
One of my great pleasures in life is watching my husband teach our children something new and wondrous. Climbing a tree. Folding the laundry. Banging out their first musical notes on a piano.
You’d think that of all the billions of people who have lived, God would tire of watching us learn the same things. Throughout history, he sees us making the same mistakes and coming to the same realizations.
Instead, he journeys along with each of us, patiently standing by while our wayward hearts often carry us in the wrong direction. In his mercy, he gave us the instruction manual on living. He remains kind when we choose sin over life, and it’s his character that draws us back to him.
5. God is always available.
He is never late coming home from work, distracted by his own needs, or too tired. He’s awake, listening, and welcoming us into his presence. The moment we decide, or rather realize, we need him, there he is.
I find this one incredibly easy to take for granted. I read about the Israelites traveling to the temple to make sacrifices while drawing as near as possible to God’s dwelling place. A priest interceded for the people and offered their animals for the forgiveness of the people’s sins. It’s hard to imagine the absence of what we are freely offered today.
Today, Jesus intercedes on our behalf and the Holy Spirit makes his home with believers wherever we go. What grace it is to have such a privilege of entering the throne room of the king with a mere thought.
"What grace it is to have such a privilege of entering the throne room of the king with a mere thought." Share on XOur Heavenly Father
This Father’s Day, I hope and pray that you find your faith deepened in our heavenly father. This year, whether you celebrate your dad, grieve the loss of him, or lament the broken nature of that relationship, my hope is that you can see all your needs of love, care, and tenderness are met in the presence of our God.
What other truths do you know about our heavenly father? I’d love to hear in the comments!

One Comment
Lisa Appelo
So grateful for these truths! When life implodes in grief, God is trustworthy.