curating a podcast playlist

The Power of Spoken Words: Thoughtfully Curating a Podcast Playlist

Note: I considered writing about the pandemic and quarantine today, but I’m seeing those topics everywhere and decided to provide something different. As you read, think about how this topic applies now, in the midst of these strange times. In our socially distanced lives, it’s more important than ever to carefully consider what types of content (and how much of it) we’re letting into our minds. Let’s use podcasts and media as a tool to seek out information, yes, but also to find encouragement and life-giving truth.

In 2019, more than half of all Americans had listened to a podcast. At the time this article was published, podcast listeners consumed an average of seven different shows. And last year over 100 million people tuned in weekly to listen to a podcast.

If you’re like the majority of Americans, you’ve listened to a podcast too. Do you remember which show first drew you in? I listened to my first podcast in 2013. It was likely either Serial or This American Life. I was hooked, and I found daily routines like cleaning and exercise made more enjoyable by the stories podcasts provided.

The Power of Spoken Truth

Before long, I learned that a podcast’s value went far beyond simple entertainment. I remember standing at my kitchen sink doing dishes while the kids slept. I listened to the Don’t Mom Alone podcast outro. If you listen to it now, you’ll find that it has changed, but it used to say something like this:

God is just as present with you when you’re doing dishes as when you’re worshiping him in a church pew. As it says in Zephaniah 3:17 “he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.”

The show’s host was telling me of God’s presence and delight in my service, even as I was doing it. I admit that it brought tears to my eyes. The words spoken to me through my earbuds that day had the power to nourish my soul and change my outlook.

The words and ideas we allow into our ears and eyes have this power—to plant ideas, to bring out emotions, to grow lies or to solidify truth. Click To Tweet

The words and ideas we allow into our ears and eyes have this power—to plant ideas, to bring out emotions, to grow lies or to solidify truth. As with all media, I’m reminded that I must be thoughtful about what I allow into my mind. Our ideas overflow into our attitudes and actions. How we tend our minds can make the difference between harvesting thoughts of peace and joy or giving the devil a foothold.

thoughtfully curating a podcast playlist

Lessons Learned

Here are a few more of the lessons I’ve learned from my curated list of podcast shows:

  • Positive words of life can turn negative self-talk on its head.
  • Words of truth pierce my heart and re-focus my eyes on what really matters.
  • Engaging stories feed my mind and soul while making exercise or chores speed by.
  • Productivity tips give me tools that help me manage day-to-day life.

On the other side of the coin, I’ve learned that true crime podcasts leave me fearful and unsettled. Some shows create a sense of overwhelm—that I’ll never be able to do it all. I’ve simply decided to leave those behind. In a world overflowing with content, I choose peace, progress, and truth over fear and anxiety, even if it is dressed up nicely in the name of entertainment.

Consider What Matters

When curating your own list of go-to podcasts, take some time to think about their affect on you. Are you left excited, informed, or enlightened with a new mental nugget to consider? Or do you notice yourself feeling burdened, worried, or resentful?

Within my podcast playlist, I pick different shows depending on my mood or need. I’m sharing my list below, but I’d love to know what shows you think I should try. I’m always on the lookout for new recommendations, so share the ones you love in the comments below!

My Podcast Playlist

When I’m in Need of a Spiritual Lift

When I Want to be Entertained

When I Want to Learn Something New

When I’m With My Kids

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